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Wishing you all a happy, healthy and back to the dance floor 2021. We hope you were able to have a lovely New Year's Eve, we did miss you all and a solo rendition of Auld Lang Syne is not quite the same.

We have a pencil ready in hope that things improve over the next few months and are able to begin filling in the events calendar once again.

Thanks you for your requests (keep requesting) and voting for Dance of the Week at Learn 2 Line Dance, even during a difficult year there have been some lovely dances released. I know some of you are keeping a list of those you want to go over the we are back on the dance floor.

It's been great to keep in touch with you all via social media, email and text etc. Remember you are all welcome to join any of our groups.

Thank you to everyone for your support during 2020 and the good wishes sent for 2021.

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