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Classes Return

Classes will begin again from Monday 26th July, 2021. There have been some changes to class times/levels/genres please check out our NEW schedule. Again following government venue ventilation guidance there will be a maximum number of dancers at classes, if you have a non-dancer (driver,etc) who will be coming along with you please let us know in advance.


10am - 12pm - Improver/Intermediate Mix Class

7.30pm - 9.30pm - High Beginner/Improver Country Class


7pm - 8pm - High Beginner/Easy Improver Mix Class

8.15pm - 9.30pm - Improver Mix Class


10am - 12pm - Improver/Intermediate Country Class

7.30pm - 9.30pm - Intermediate/Advanced Mix Class


10am - 11.30am - High Beginner/Low Improver Mix Class

7.30pm - 9.30pm - Improver/Intermediate Country Class


10am - 11am - LDX (Linedancercise)

11am - 12.30pm - Pre-booked Absolute Beginner Line Dance Course

Please note: you MUST book a place to attend class.

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